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Burnt offerings to our Lord - The Refinery Process

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

God wants us to be just like him. He has given individuals to us (part of our body) and expect us to be leaders through discipleship with them. Because he has given them to us and his spirit and presence is alive in us... in a way he makes us to be mini gods. This is why he said in the beginning of creation, that he made us in his image. This puts us in a critical position of leadership, and as a head over those God has given to us (our body). Such a critical position that the wrong move can cause a shepherd to lead his sheep astray.

Those who belong to us are to be refined as God refines us. He puts us through the fire so that we can be made perfect in his image, and he expects us to do the same to those he has given to us. When we are going through tests and walls seem to be closing in on us, it is at that moment, we are being placed in the pot of fire for purification (refinery). If God did not put his hands on us for purification, how can we expect our members to be purified or even know what the process looks like (think of the adage... it takes one to know one).

Once you accept this and the truth is in you, you will understand the delicacy and beauty of life. You will embrace the fire and will watch the refinery process in your land, patiently, until your members, are made perfect again. As it is written in Malachi 3:3, once the refiner is able to see his own image in that which is being refined, can he then cease the fire, to prevent destruction.

Put on The Life and let God purify your members.


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